The entirety of the world’s reserves of oil, coal, and natural gases is matched by the energy that sun provides for the earth in just 20 days of sunshine. It’s a wonder why the enter world has not converted to solar energy with this information. However, solar energy has made a huge impact on the carbon footprint across many industries. It is now booming in the agricultural industry.
As we progress into the future we have solar energy has made many technological advances and the installation prices have dropped causing the global use of solar energy continue to grow significantly. Agriculture solar power is highly significant today, with farmers investing in cost-saving and sustainable technology that is friendly to the environment.
Traditionally, solar power has been used to generate electricity and heat water. When used correctly, the power from the sun can be harnessed to fulfill many useful functions throughout farms.
Solar Powered Data Sensors
On most farms, gathering data is crucial for optimal growth including efficient watering systemization. This data is collected through a series of sensors across a large area of land. With such a large area covered, it is often difficult to run a means of powering the sensors so they are often battery powered. With the battery powered option, there is still the chore of having to replace the batteries which is inconvenient and time consuming.
This is where solar-powered sensor technology comes in, offering an easy and cost-effective way to gather data. These solar powered data collectors allow you to determine precipitation, soil moisture, and levels of sunlight, making watering easily be regulated.
The same goes for electronic tags on livestock. By going solar, you won’t have to regularly change the sensor batteries. Solar powered sensors can make it possible to track and automatically monitor and control the feeding and watering of animals.
Solar Fence Chargers
With large amounts of livestock to look after and manage, livestock farms require fencing that is effective, adaptable and dependable. Electric fences powered by the sun are perfect. Either moveable paddocks or permanent installation, solar power can withstand the work and adapt to the needs of the farm.
Not only are the parts for these purposes adorable, they are amply available. Due to this, solar fencing is quickly becoming a cost-effective and convenient component of farming. Installation is easy and quick so there is not a lot of time spent away from tending to the farm.
Solar Greenhouse Heating
Solar power is not only important for your farm, but for the wellbeing of the earth. In 2011 it was found that the agricultural sector emits about 13% of the total global greenhouse emissions. This makes farming the world’s second-largest emitter, after the energy sector. This puts up a large red flag regarding the need for solar power for farms
With the production of anything comes the emission of at least some greenhouse gases. However, other than panel production, solar energy does not emit any greenhouse gases. This is drastically less than any other option for farming. This makes it one of the most popular green energy choices.
In traditional practices, commercial greenhouses rely on gas or oil heaters in order to maintain constant temperatures. Through the use of solar, the greenhouses collect and store the solar energy during sunny days, retaining the heat for use during the night and on cold or cloudy days.
Solar Irrigation
Photovoltaic (PV) water pumping systems are becoming more and more popular. Basic systems run pumps directly when the sun is shining, the more sun the more powerful. This ensures that they work the hardest when they are needed most.
If you are looking for something that is reliable, affordable and requires little maintenance than solar irrigation systems are for you. Not only do they fit all of the aspects listed above, they are also adaptable upon installation to fit the needs of your farm.
Solar Powered Vehicles
The future is here and it is bright! While solar-powered vehicles are still relatively uncommon with farming, this is expected to change in the coming years. Tractors are typically diesel-powered, which not only contributes to global warming and air pollution but also soil and groundwater pollution through diesel spills, affecting your farm and the wellbeing of your livestock as well.
Electric vehicles powered by solar energy are a great solution to this problem. Zero emission across every farm in the united states, just think what that would do for the world. Research has shown that agricultural electric vehicles could avert 23.3 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year.
Just by switching to solar on your farm you will be doing your wallet, your farm, and the earth a huge favor. Not only will it allow your farm to flourish with little room for error, you will save hundreds of dollars on initial payment as well as future payment that have been necessary to fix issues on the traditional systems. Are you ready to make a difference in your life and the world? Give us a call and we will get started on our quick installation process.